Visio Divina is a practice of listening prayer that people who have followed Jesus have used with artwork, particularly among cultures and ethnicities in history where access to the written Scriptures has been scarce, and in places where illiteracy has been prevalent (i.e. see the first 1500+ years of Jesus' Church).
Some things to consider as you observe and listen are:
+ What draws your attention first?
+ If you had to describe the painting,
what's one or two words you would use?
+ If you were in the image,
where would you be?
+ What might God be saying to you through this image about Jesus?
The story of Emmaus found in the Scriptures (
Luke 24:13-34) has been depicted by artists throughout the world in beautiful, dynamic, and profound ways. Below are some of our favorite masterpieces. Take some time to sit with them and consider what God might be revealing to you today that is beautiful, good, and true.
May we be inspired to encounter God, welcome others to do the same, and walk with Jesus as He helps us to meet people where they are and reveals through His Word, Spirit, and Table that the Kingdom of heaven is nearer than we can possibly imagine.