Emmaus City Church
Partner with Us

Do you sense God is calling you?

Do you love Worcester, too?

Do you want to work together?

Let's walk this road together

and see where Jesus takes us.

We believe God is calling you to be sent and empowered to participate in His Kingdom vision for this city. Let's meet so we can share our stories and see what Jesus might be calling us to join Him in doing together.
Pray for us at 9:38 p.m. (or p.m.) that God would send us more people to partner with (see Matthew 9:38 as to why this time). We want to meet, work with, learn from, and equip more leaders in our city.
You can give online for a one-time gift or on a monthly basis. We celebrate and greatly appreciate whatever you decide to donate. And as we freely receive, we freely give to other ministries in our city and beyond.

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