Emmaus City Church
Surge School
New England

Surge School New England exists to encourage and equip people from all walks of life in local churches to enjoy active participation in God’s mission. With this in mind, each Surge School seeks to cultivate in its participants a broader and deeper understanding of how Jesus is inviting them to engage in the places they live, work, rest, and play. By God's grace, thousands of people in North America have benefitted from this collaborative training across traditions and denominations.

During Fall 2022 through Spring 2023, Emmaus City Church, Living Word Church, FBC Holden, and more participated together in the 1st Surge School in New England. Now we're praying and looking forward to a 2nd Surge School beginning in Fall 2024. The goal in the years ahead is to see a movement of local faith communities in Massachusetts and beyond united with Jesus to bless New England.

Surge Quarterly Gathering of Table Groups Together
Before joining Surge School, my perception of God was like a 2-sided holographic image where, depending on the angle, I sometimes saw Him, but often I just saw the image that had been created through my own flawed understanding of how He is.

Surge helped me to see more of Him in everything from work, to recreation, to the world around me and my experiences in it, to the people with whom I interact. For me, these foundational understandings were strengthened through the months, and the imposter image of God in my mind is fading away. With a clearer picture of Him, I feel more confident in our relationship and more cognizant of how I can be part of His restorative work in the world.
FBC - Holden, Surge School Fall 2022 - Spring 2023
A Lens for All of Life

During the integrated 8-month discipleship journey, Surge participants will be given a lens to see all of life in the context of the greater work that God is doing in all of creation, as well as the specific work God is doing in each person to bless the world.

Surge 5, 4, 3, 2, 1: Learning to Apply the Purpose and Power of Jesus' Good News to All of Life

5 | B.L.E.S.S. Rhythms to Practice: Bless, Listen, Eat, Speak, Sabbath
4 | Quarters (8 Weeks) with One Focus for Each + Quarterly Gathering:

Q1 The True Story of the Whole World: Learn to Read the Bible as One Story
Q2 The Deeply Formed Life: Experience How to Be Present with God and Others with Humility and Grace
Q3 The Symphony of Mission: Explore the Breadth of God’s Mission for the World
Q4 Connect Your Work to God's Work: Discover How Your Work Participates in God's Work Every Day

3 | Learning Environments: Surge's holistic model is done over an academic year (September-May), creating an intentionally slow-drip marinade for deep personal formation and communal transformation.

1) Weekly Surge Table Meeting: This primary learning environment for Surge is a weekly meeting where participants discuss the readings and bring out the implications for life and leadership in community together.

2) Regular Spiritual Formation: Each participant is committed to read the material in the Surge Reader, along with practicing B.L.E.S.S. rhythms regularly throughout each week for spiritual formation in order to grow new disciplines personally and then share learned experiences communally with her or his Surge Table.

3) Quarterly Intensives: Four times throughout the year, all Surge students gather in one place to listen, learn, and pray for each other together.

2 | Loves: Love God + Love Your Neighbor
1 | Unity: Spirit, Lord, Faith, Baptism, Calling

Cost Per Person: The cost of Surge School is $99 per person (plus cost of 1 book per quarter).

Consider This Year: The first Surge School in central Massachusetts was Fall 2022 to Spring 2023. The goal was to get 20+ people to participate together alongside 3+ congregations. God brought together 30+ people from among 5 congregations. We continue to pray for what He's doing among us now. We're anticipating what He'll do next. And you're invited to consider Fall 2024 to Spring 2025 as your first year of Surge School.

Steps to Prep for Next Surge School Fall 2024 to Spring 2025

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