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Emmaus City Church
City Groups
We want to see the Emmaus story of people being transformed by Jesus happen again and again. We often see this happen in a City Group's simple practices of worship, community, and mission together.

We aim to encourage and equip anyone with the compassion and commitment to start a City Group as we celebrate Jesus stirring and sending people like He did at Emmaus.

This way, we will multiply City Groups who pray for each other through ups and downs, serve the people God has called them to be peacemakers among, and learn more about how Jesus empowers them and transforms the everyday stuff of life.
What is a City Group?

A City Group is a community of people who together share and show the life Jesus gives with others in the everyday stuff of life.

Examples of City Groups:

+ Freedom City Group
+ Spring City Group
+ Burncoat Group
+ Distributive City Group
Who is involved in a City Group?

Anyone, including those who are curious, skeptical, or seeking, as well as children of all ages, are welcome to participate.

Examples of people engaged in City Groups:

+ People befriending and praying for dancers in strip clubs
+ People in solidarity with our refugee neighbors in the city
+ People helping to build and grow community at the gym
+ People caring for their neighborhood

What Might a City Group's

Monthly Rhythms Look Like?

  • 1
    Worship: Family Meals (2x)
    A meal where people come together to eat, enjoy rest, listen, and pray for anyone.
  • 2
    Community: Third Place (1x)
    A favorite regular place to connect with friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc.
  • 3
    Mission: Love the City (1-2x)
    A practice of service to those a City Group gets to love and be among together.

Learn more about how you might join or form a City Group.

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