Emmaus City Church
Jesus Loves Worcester
Who We Are
On the road to Emmaus, Jesus met people and changed their lives forever.

These people didn’t believe Jesus was alive and they were walking away from any connection to Him and the shame of His cross. But He pursued them. He walked with them, talked with them, and remained with them out of abundant compassion for them. And when they arrived at Emmaus, He began to break bread with them – and then they realized it was Him. Jesus was alive, resurrected and free. After this stunning moment, they immediately got up and ran (in the middle of a dangerous night no less), racing to tell their friends that somehow death had been defeated and nothing would be the same because of Jesus. They experienced a holy encounter, and they were transformed.

We believe this story happened.
We believe it still happens.
That's why we're Emmaus City Church.

Whatever your story, Jesus knows it and He is walking your road with you even if you don’t believe yet. Jesus is Immanuel – God with us – and He meets us where we are. And when we receive Him as Savior, Healer, Friend, Deliverer, and King, our lives begin to abundantly overflow as His Spirit transforms us to be part of God's family – encouraged witnesses, willing servants, and humble learners – with a faith, hope, and love like we have never known before.

Why We Gather & Go

We come together to turn to God, listen, pray, learn and celebrate in light of who Jesus is so we can be sent out again to serve our city.

Gatherings Saturdays at 4 p.m.
at the Fusion Center at
30 Tyler Prentice Road, Worcester
We continue to learn Jesus' Way of being family and servants as we love others and witness to God's abundant life for our city.

Any day of the week
is an opportunity for a City Group
to connect, learn, love, and serve.
Upcoming Sabbath Gatherings
    How We Grow & Give
    As we grow in walking in Jesus' way of life that transforms every aspect of our journey of faith as God's family, witnesses, servants, and learners, we B.L.E.S.S. in abundant ways that reveal Jesus' generous grace.
    You are most welcome to join us.
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